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Valuation & Expert Opinion

Project management

Project management is the initiation, planning, controlling, monitoring and completion of projects. Many terms and procedures in project management are established and standardised. Differentiation: The complementary counterpart to project management is process management.


Project management is becoming increasingly important - especially for the handling of construction projects. The methods and tools of project management support you and your project team in getting your projects off to a professional start, organising them effectively and successfully achieving their goals.

In recent years, construction tasks have changed fundamentally.
A high number of project participants from a wide variety of structures, with different interests and workflows, increasingly complicate the implementation of the goals set for the project.

In Germany in particular, the services of project management are still seen purely as cost-cutting. Through The commissioning of a general contractor instead of awarding individual contracts is expected to provide cost certainty. Often, however, not with the desired success.

Only project management that is implemented at an early stage and reports directly and independently to the client can ensure that clear project objectives are established and achieved. project objectives are established and achieved. As the client's representative, project management takes over the entire project organisation and provides a constant overview of costs and deadlines.


The commissioning of a project management is independent of the size of a building project. Even with small construction or conversion measures, the often hidden complexity of the project or factors such as the time available and a tight budget can make a project manager necessary.